The plan offers three different ways to invest

Individual Investment Options

You can select from a wide range of investment options to build your own investment strategy. For most of the major asset classes you will find both passive index funds and actively managed funds.

Target Date Funds

With a target date fund, you can select one fund based upon your retirement date. The investments within the fund automatically adjust as you approach your retirement date. The plan’s target date funds are listed as the plan’s qualified default investment alternative (QDIA). A QDIA is used if a participant enrolls but neglects to select an investment option.

Buy-and-Hold Models

The Plan's DC Conservative through Aggressive Models provide diversified investment options that use the Plan's individual investment options to create portfolios designed to meet a certain risk / return profile.

Tactical Models

The Plan's Tactical Models - Conservative, Moderate and Growth - offer participants a portfolio that will vary its exposure to investments Retirement Collaborative LLC categorizes as High Risk, such as the Plan's equity, real estate and natural resource investments. On at least a quarterly basis, the models will be examined to determine whether they will have their minimum or maximum exposure to High Risk investments.  During the review, Retirement Collaborative LLC may also adjust the allocation to the models investments using the individual investment options available in the Plan.

Learn More

To learn more about the Plan's individual investment options and models, use the links below:

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