Tactical Models Updating

 The report below contains the 2020 Q3 quarterly allocations for your retirement plan’s tactical models.   As of this quarterly review, the U.S. equity trend indicator and the international trend indicator were both positive.  The Balance of Strength Signal was also positive.  Models will move from roughly a third of their maximum High Risk Category exposure to fully invested in the High Risk Category.  Market conditions are divorced from the broader economy as the Federal Reserve has flooded the financial system with trillions of new U.S. dollars and the U.S. economy is ravaged by the global pandemic.  The key will be whether the economy will catch up to the rising financial markets or whether the economy will bring the financial markets down to reality.  If the indicators change during the quarter, we will update the models and send out an intra-quarter report. Model changes are targeted to occur around July 14th.  If you have questions, please Contact Us.

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